1. Natalie M.

    Currently listening to the new episode, and, as a HUGE L.M. Montgomery fan I wanted to point out that Avonlea in the books IS in Prince Edward Island, but it is a fictional place that she made up for the books, not a place in actuality 🙂

    Love you guys!

  2. Sara

    My kids and I enjoyed the podcast as usual, but did we completely miss where you talked about Mr. Gold kidnapping and beating up the florist? That looked like Belle’s father to us, but you neglected to talk about it at all from what I heard. We’ve been wondering all along whether Gold knew who he really was (I suspected he did), and we find out the truth at the end of this episode. So the kidnapping/beating makes me wonder if that man did something in the real world that made Gold angry, or his he taking out his anger on Fairy Tale Belle’s father for shunning her and causing her death as the Evil Queen told him? Seems to me that he has crossed the line between what happened in the fairy tale world and the real world!

    Keep up the good work! We love to hear your wacky predictions.

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