Let’s Science!

We live in a universe of wonders. Every day, scientists are inching toward breakthroughs which can change our lives. Caroline KnightLindsay Sant, and Lino Saubolle are playing their small part in sharing these wonders with you, from a distinctly Catholic perspective. So, Let’s Science!

And for more from Caroline, Lindsay, and Lino on a variety of topics from an Australian Catholic perspective, check out their other show, The Catholics of Oz.

glowing atom on dark background with lets science with the catholics of oz text

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  • Tiny Fern, Big DNA

    Tiny Fern, Big DNA

    This tiny fork fern has the largest known genome of any organism. Caroline Knight tells Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle about its discovery and the biological implications of large genomes, such as slower growth and reduced efficiency.

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  • AlphaGo vs. the Champions

    AlphaGo vs. the Champions

    Go is one of the most difficult strategy board games to master for humans and AI alike. Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle discuss a documentary about Google’s DeepMind’s 2016 match against human Go master and its significance for how it could tackle real-world challenges.

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  • A Special Message from StarQuest

    A Special Message from StarQuest

    StarQuest CEO Dom Bettinelli has a special message for all listeners and supporters of StarQuest’s shows.

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  • Australia’s Prehistoric Giga-Goose

    Australia’s Prehistoric Giga-Goose

    Researchers have discovered a new prehistoric giant goose-like bird in South Australia, and Caroline Knight and Lindsay Sant discuss the unique creature, its environment, and the other mega-fauna it would have co-existed with. Plus more on observing ants and SpaceX’s Starship launch!

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  • Stepping into Danger: The Scientist Who Danced with Deadly Snakes to Save Lives

    Stepping into Danger: The Scientist Who Danced with Deadly Snakes to Save Lives

    What would you be willing to do for science? Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle discuss a researcher who stepped on deadly snakes 40,000 times to better predict snake bites on behalf of the 5 million people bitten by snakes annually.

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  • Amazing Magnetic Ants!

    Amazing Magnetic Ants!

    Consider the lowly ant. Caroline Knight tells Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle about the desert ant and how they use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate. A recent study found their surprisingly adaptable brains changed due to altered magnetic fields. What does this mean for…

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  • Beam Solar Power from Space

    Beam Solar Power from Space

    Japan plans to launch a satellite to test space-based solar power in 2025. Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle discuss the technical aspects, scalability, and environmental concerns, balancing enthusiasm for its potential with realism about challenges and costs.

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  • Living on Moon Time

    Living on Moon Time

    A coalition of countries are creating a standardized Lunar time zone, and Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle discuss why this is important to the future of space travel; how mass and gravity affect timekeeping; and the challenges to keeping time beyond Earth.

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  • 2024 Total Solar Eclipse

    2024 Total Solar Eclipse

    With a large part of the US getting a chance to see a total solar eclipse this week, Caroline Knight, Lindsay Sant, and Lino Saubolle discuss eclipse science and viewing tips for those lucky enough to be in the path.

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  • Surprising Egyptian Baboons

    Surprising Egyptian Baboons

    Baboons in ancient Egypt held special significance, even providing the form of one of their gods. Caroline Knight, Lindsay Sant, and Lino Saubolle discuss how recent DNA finds trace their origins to the land of Punt and reveal insights into ancient trade routes and more.

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  • The Shrinking Moon

    The Shrinking Moon

    The Moon is indeed shrinking. Caroline Knight explains to Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle how the Moon is contracting and cooling over time, causing moonquakes, shrinking about 150 feet every few hundred million years, and potentially affecting future Artemis lunar missions.

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  • Pikman and Plants

    Pikman and Plants

    Plant-animal hybrids may only exist in the Pikmin game, but Caroline Knight tells Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle that there are also real-life photosynthetic animals that convert sunlight to energy, and discusses how all that works.

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yellow background with green figures of children playing
Catholics of Oz logo - australian flag over shape of country
glowing atom on dark background with lets science with the catholics of oz text
Praystation Portable logo on white field with bibles
tardis with glow behind and sparkles on dark background
ring on red background
Logo over earth from space and a purple orb above
star trek space ship and logo over a planet
futuristic city
a red curtain like for a theater stage
logo over architecture
a stargate on a black background
star wars logo