
The Secrets of Stargate is a fan podcast about the hit 1994 movie and the TV series that followed, including SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe, plus whatever comes next. The show goes beyond the surface to look at the deeper layers and themes found in Stargate, while enjoying the mythologies explored, the fun science fiction elements, and the trademark humor. Whether you’re new to Stargate and watching it for the first time, like our host Jack Baruzzini, or a longtime fan like Lisa JonesVictor Lams, Jeff Haecker, and Fr. Cory Sticha (who also brings his expertise as a US Air Force veteran), you will be sure to enjoy the Secrets of Stargate.

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  • Endgame (SG1)

    Endgame (SG1)

    The gate is gone! Victor Lams, Lisa Jones, and Jeff Haecker discuss SG1’s Endgame, including the highs and lows; the emotional impact (or lack thereof) of the Jaffa massacre; the morality of the Trust’s actions; but also the intense action scenes.

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  • Home (SGA)

    Home (SGA)

    Home or not? Victor Lams, Lisa Jones, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this story’s themes of trust, perception, and communication as they encounter sentient fog that’s only trying to survive.

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  • Sacrifices (SG1)

    Sacrifices (SG1)

    Mawwiage! Victor Lams, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Jeff Haecker discuss Rya’c’s wedding and the usual pre-ceremony problems and some not-so-usual ones; the significance of Jaffa rituals; and the father/son, mother/daughter dynamics.

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  • Underground (SGA)

    Underground (SGA)

    We meet the Genii! Jack Baruzzini, Victor Lams, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the introduction of the Genii, perennial thorns in the side of Atlantis, the challenges of forming alliances; and the ethical quandaries of leaving victims of the Wraith behind.

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  • A Special Message from StarQuest

    A Special Message from StarQuest

    StarQuest CEO Dom Bettinelli has a special message for all listeners and supporters of StarQuest’s shows.

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  • Covenant (SG1)

    Covenant (SG1)

    Flashy tech CEO reveals gov’t secrets and gets dubbed a crazy conspiracist? Victor Lams, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Lisa Jones discuss the Richard Branson-esque character and the themes of trust and betrayal and official secrecy.

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  • Poisoning the Well (SGA)

    Poisoning the Well (SGA)

    Is a 50% mortality rate more acceptable than a Wraith culling? Victor Lams, Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Jeff Haecker discuss the moral implications of the Hoffan vaccine and delve into themes of sacrifice, survival, and ethical decision-making.

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  • Affinity (SG1)

    Affinity (SG1)

    Stranger in a strange land. Victor Lams, Lisa Jones, and Jeff Haecker discuss Teal’c’s new civilian life; the complex portrayal of love interest and ingénue Krista; plus the several subplots involving the Trust and the Sam and Pete relationship.

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  • Childhood’s End (SGA)

    Childhood’s End (SGA)

    Logan’s Run meets Ewoks? Victor Lams, Lisa Jones, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this Atlantis story of sacrifice, morality, and cultural differences, discussing the ethical dilemmas and whether Rodney was just too mean to the kids.

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  • Avatar (SG1)

    Avatar (SG1)

    Groundhog Day and Doom meet in VR. Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Victor Lams discuss this story of early attitudes on VR and AI; the metaphorical use of VR to explore human experience; and Teal’c’s confrontation of his overconfidence.

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  • Suspicion (SGA)

    Suspicion (SGA)

    A lot is happening in this episode. Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Victor Lams discuss this story, the big budget, and the themes of trust and character relationships amid continual Wraith attacks, setting up a classic mole hunt.

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  • Icon (SG1)

    Icon (SG1)

    We’ve seen this before, according to Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams who discuss the episode’s familiar story, including the potential downsides of first contact, religious zealotry, and how alien contact could affect geopolitical tensions, plus Daniel’s questionable behavior.

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yellow background with green figures of children playing
Catholics of Oz logo - australian flag over shape of country
glowing atom on dark background with lets science with the catholics of oz text
Praystation Portable logo on white field with bibles
tardis with glow behind and sparkles on dark background
ring on red background
Logo over earth from space and a purple orb above
star trek space ship and logo over a planet
futuristic city
a red curtain like for a theater stage
logo over architecture
a stargate on a black background
star wars logo