This website uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file sent to your computer by our website and other applications (such as YouTube). In most cases, the cookie will remember your preferences, so you won’t have to set them again on your next visit.

Google Analytics
Google stores cookies on your computer via their Analytics service. We use this service to monitor how visitors use the site in order to improve experience using our website.

Google can share this information with other parties when ordered to do so by law or when third parties work for Google. We have no control over this. We don’t allow Google to use the information for other services than their Analytics service.

The information collected by Google is anonymous, your IP address won’t be shared. The collected information is stored on servers maintained by Google in the United States of America. Google is complying with the Safe Harbor principles and has joined the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Safe Harbor Programme. More information about Google’s use of cookies can be found on their website.

Social Media
Our website contains buttons which can be used to promote content on social networks like Twitter (“tweeting”) and Facebook (“liking”). These buttons work with code provided by Twitter, Facebook and other social networks. The code stores cookies on your computer. We have no control over these cookies. Please read the Terms of Service from Facebook and Twitter (which can change on a regular basis) for more information on their use of your information.

The information stored in these cookies is being transferred to servers in the United States which are maintained by Twitter, Facebook, Google and LinkedIn. These services are complying with the Safe Harbor principles and joined the Safe Harbor Program by the US Department of Commerce.

Right of inspection, correction and removal
You have a legal right to inspect any stored data concerning your person, and also the right to demand their correction or deletion, and to withdraw your consent for their further use. Please use our contact form.

Enabling and disabling cookies in your browser
You can find more information regarding enabling and disabling cookies in the Help section of your browser.

More information about cookies?
For more information regarding cookies, we refer you to the following websites: