CW250: St Nicholas, Music, and Video Adventures

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In this episode: Maria Johnson, Fr. Darryl Millette, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen
This episode was sponsored by Brian Mozisek, promoting Project Blue November.
Feast of St. Nicholas; RIP Frs. Bill Skeehan and William Swift; Maria’s mentor; Trepanning; Maria’s computer woes; Fr. Darryl’s video adventures; Contact sports; Live-tweeting The Sisterhood; Fr. Cory in the Holy Land; Advent and Christmas music; Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception; “Called to the Collar” special on CNN; US Air Force Band flash mob at the Smithsonian.
Links discussed during the show:
- SQPN’s Giving Campaign began on All Saints Day (November 1)! Go to to help!
- Fr. Roderick’s new initiative in the Netherlands,, has been releasing interesting videos for the Dutch-speaking audience. The series on St Nicholas (The Power of St. Nicholas) was released with English subtitles!
- New show: The Sisterhood: Becoming Nuns
- Benedictines of Mary Queen of Apostles‘ Advent 2012 CD, Advent at Ephesus (SQPN Affiliate link)
- Fr. Cory’s video diaries documenting his visit to the Holy Land:
- Video: I saw Santa punching Arius
- Video: Called to the Collar—This is Life with Lisa Ling, Season 1, Episode 8 (H/T to Tom Pringle)
- US Air Force Band flash mobs in the Smithsonian:
Picks of the Week
- Maria: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel (Piano/Cello) by the Piano Guys
- Fr. Darryl: Orion Soars on First Flight Test
- Steve: The Meredith Vieira Show clip: Two High School Football Players Tackle Bullying
- Jeff: Lyn’s nephew, Richie Francisco, plays trumpet with the San Diego Youth Symphony. The SDYS will be going to China next year, and his family set up a GoFundMe to help him raise funds for this trip.
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