CW276: Post-CNMC Blues and Steve Robichaud’s Story

In this episode: Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Steve Robichaud, Fr. Cory Sticha, Sarah Vabulas
Post-CNMC blues; Tiffany, JonMarc, and Maria on Allison Gingras’ radio show; Unpacking the 2015 Atlanta Eucharistic Congress and CNMC; Steve Robichaud’s story; Thanking Fr. Dave Dwyer; Sarah and the priests; Catholic Weekend train whistle aftermath.
Podcast: Download
Links discussed during the show:
- The CNMC 2015 Virtual Ticket is available now! It’s only US$49.00! Go to the SQPN Store and order now!
- Sarah’s book, The Catholic Drinkie’s Guide to Homebrewed Evangelism, has been released!!! If you want an autographed copy, contact her at her website!
- Preorder Maria’s book, My Badass Book of Saints: Courageous Women Who Showed Me How to Love on Amazon (SQPN Affiliate Link)
- Listen as Fr. Darryl Millette takes in his very first MLB game in Episode 46 of The Sports Fathers
- Article by John Allen: No more ‘daddy’s boys’
Picks of the Week
- Maria: Birth of Zélie Marie Young, the daughter of Char and Jeff Young
- Steve N.: The iPadre, Fr. Jay Finelli, celebrates the 23rd anniversary of his ordination today!
- Jeff: The Catholic Family Podcast is back!!!
- Steve R.: Verbum Bible Software
- Fr Cory: Follow Fr. John Hilton, The Pedaling Priest, as he pedals his way across the US to raise funds for his parish, St. Mary’s, in Aspen, Colorado
- Sarah: Jurassic World movie
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