The Music of Harry Potter

Podcast: Download
During the Christmas holidays, we have been going through the audio archives of SQPN to sort and to preserve the thousands of podcast episodes we have recorded over the years. We came across a special unedited episode of one of our most successful series, The Secrets of Harry Potter. This show, produced between 2005 and 2012, was dedicated to the analysis of the many religious themes in the Harry Potter books and movies.
In the series’ last episode, Lyn Francisco, Denise Roper and Ariadna Quijano talked about the music written by composer John Williams for the Harry Potter movies. Because of the extensive editing work that this special episode needed, it was ultimately never finished or published.
That is… until now! The original recording has finally been cleaned up and has been enhanced with many musical fragments and examples. You can listen to it here on the website, and the full archive of the Secrets of Harry Potter (80 episodes!) will soon be made available for download to our donors as a special thank you for their ongoing support.
We hope you enjoy this musical episode and we wish you a blessed New Year!