Doctor Who is Back and So Are We… plus, Fr. Roderick’s Pilgrimage Continues

Fr. Roderick Walking in Spain
Fr. Roderick Vonhögen’s pilgrimage along the Camino (or pilgrimage way) from Lourdes, France, to Santiago de Compostela, Spain, is now in its second week. In his daily vlogs and photos, Father has given us a glimpse of what he’s experiencing. From the beautiful southern French countryside to the snowy cold tops of the Pyrenees separating France from Spain and back down to sunny Spain, it’s been an interesting first week of six.
One important lesson learned early: Don’t push yourself! Father had a close call with his Achilles tendon and then he got lost. He also climbed a mountain after running out of water! What other adventures is getting into? Join him through his daily videos and photos which he’s posting on his Facebook pageand on Youtube. We’ll also be cross-posting them to the Trideo Facebook Pageas well.
You can see his progress over the course of his walk on an interactive Google Map that indicates all the places he’s staying overnight (with house icons) and where his photos were taken (camera icons). The link last week turned out not to work right, so we’ve got a new one that should work much better.
Find out more about Father’s journey at
Doctor Who is Back and So Are We
The BBC TV show “Doctor Who” has finally returned after a long absence (16 months apart from the Christmas special!) and now that it’s back, so is our show “The Secrets of Doctor Who”.
With a new Companion and the last season of both Peter Capaldi’s Doctor and showrunner Steven Moffat, there’s plenty to talk about. Join our panel of Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha as they analyze and discuss each episode of the show. Whether you’re a new Whovian or a Class Whovian from way back, there’s something for you.
We’ve already got two episodes ready for you: The Pilot and Smile. Catch up today and then let us know what you think of our panel’s thoughts and conclusions.
It is only through the support and generosity of friends of Trideo like you that we are able to bring you shows like the Secrets of Doctor and the vlogs and photos of Fr. Roderick’s adventures. We thank you for your support, both financially and through your prayers.
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