StarQuest Headlines for the week ending April 12, 2019

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Headlines for the week ending April 12, 2019:
- "Christus vivit": Post-Synodal Exhortation to Young People and to the entire People of God (25 March 2019) | Francis
- 'Tolkien' director praises Father Francis Morgan as model priest – Voyage Comics & Publishing
- Papal blessings can now be requested online
- LG patents a transparent foldable phone – The Verge
- Falcon Heavy making only second flight, but it’s already changing the game | Ars Technica
- Star Wars Episode 9 trailer and title could be hitting April 12 – CNET
- Alexa now offers long-form news briefings in the US – The Verge
- Black Hole Picture Revealed for the First Time – The New York Times
- Walmart is hiring more robots to replace human tasks like cleaning floors and scanning inventory – The Verge
- Declassified U2 Spy Plane Photos Expose Hidden Archaeological Sites