Star Wars Rebels: S4, Ep. 13

Time travel in Star Wars? Fr. Andrew, Angela, and Thomas discuss how time travel in this episode causes Ezra (and the viewer) to learn how to let go of a past preventing him from living in the present through understanding his pain; the nature of suffering; and the reality of self-sacrificial love.

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Star Wars Rebels: S3, Ep 20: Twin Suns

Kenobi and Maul’s final confrontation! Fr. Andrew, Angela, Thomas, and Mike talk about the immense growth and history of these two characters; how Maul personifies a twisted desire for vengeance; and how Kenobi, paralleling Christ in the desert, models for us what following God’s unique vocation for each of us looks like: peace and serenity.

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Ghosts of Geonosis: Rebels, Season 3, Ep 12, 13

What’s in a name? Fr. Andrew and Andrew H. view these episodes through the lens of the dual morality on display between Saw Gerrera and Kanan/Ezra even though they’re all Rebels; discuss how names help us avoid dehumanizing people; and talk about ends justifying the means as Saw questions whether mercy, even in war, is the right moral path.

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The Last Battle: Rebels, Season 3, Ep. 6

Rex dealing with PTSD from the Clone Wars inspires Fr. Andrew, Mike, Andrew H., and Angela to discuss how the devil tries to get us to fight one another and not the True Enemy (as with the clones, droids, and Palpatine in the Clone Wars) and how we are called to react as Christians.

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Twilight of the Apprentice: Rebels, Season 2, Ep. 21 & 22

Ahsoka vs. Vader! Fr. Andrew, Andrew H., and Angela discuss the Rebels season 2 finale and the universal themes found therein, like resisting Ezra resisting the Dark Side and how we must resist evil in our Christian journey. Plus, of course, the epic encounter between Ahsoka and Darth Vader/Anakin.

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The Future of the Force: Rebels, Season 2, Ep. 10 & 18

Does the Force have a future? Thomas, Mike, and Andrew H. discuss how the Jedi procuring Force-sensitive children in light of the Inquisitors’ abduction of two during the Empire. The theme of Jedi “sacraments” continues in the knighting of Kanan, and more questions about how the Jedi Order persists in the time of the Empire.

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Rebels, Season 2, Ep. 3 & 4: Rex Returns!

Rex is back! Fr. Andrew, Andrew H., Thomas, and Angela discuss the clones’ return in Rebels and the impact felt after Clone Wars, season 7. They talk about the PTSD Kanan and the clones have and how they deal with it and talk about the infinite value of all human life, even “old-timers” like Rex, Gregor, and Wolffe.

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Rebels, Season 2, Ep. 1 & 2: The Siege of Lothal

The Siege of Lothal! Fr. Andrew and Thomas are joined by special guest Josh Beeghley to talk the opening of Season 2 of Rebels, including the tragedy of Minister Tua and how the ends can never justify evil means; the core family theme in the crew of the Ghost as they figure out their place in the larger rebellion; and Ahsoka, of course!

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The Clone Wars Ends: Season 7, Ep. 11 & 12

The Clone Wars have ended. Fr. Andrew, Andrew H., Angela, and Thomas discuss the emotional impact of these episodes on the finale and to the the galaxy as Order 66 is implemented; plus the humanity of the clones, the relationship between Ahsoka and Rex, the nature of the light and dark side of the force, and the validity of the moral path Ahsoka walks.

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The Clone Wars Returns: Season 7, Ep. 9 & 10

The Siege of Mandalore has finally arrived! Fr. Andrew, Angela, Mike, Thomas, and Andrew H. jump into the first two parts of the finale of the Clone Wars and discuss how climatic these episodes are, fate and free will, Ahsoka’s own journey and growth, and how Maul fits into this story set during the events of Revenge of the Sith.

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Happy Easter from StarQuest

From all of us at StarQuest, we wish you a Happy and Blessed Easter with this brief message from our chaplain, Fr. Cory Sticha.

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The Mandalore Episodes: Seeing the Humanity in Our Enemies

Continuing their look at Mandalorian culture in The Clone Wars, Fr. Andrew, Thomas, and Mike discuss how season 3, ep. 10 and season 4, ep. 14 humanize the Separatists and how in our lives too, seeing the human in our “enemies” is crucial to the Christian life. Plus the nature and history of Death Watch.

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The Mandalore Episodes: Greed and Political Corruption

Continuing their dive into Mandalorian culture found in the Clone Wars, Fr. Andrew, Mike, and Andrew H. look at two season 3 episodes. While politics in Star Wars sometimes gets bad rap, these episodes are successful in showing the effects of corruption and greed even in a galaxy close to home.

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