
The Catholic New Media Conference (CNMC) was an event organized by SQPN in various cities in the United States. In 2008, the first ever CNMC was held in Atlanta, in the years after it visited San Antonio, TX (2009); Boston, MA (2010); Kansas City (2011); Arlington, TX (2012); Boston, MA (2013) and came back in Atlanta in 2015.

For whom?

The Catholic New Media Celebration provides opportunities for networking and professional development for diocesan communicators, new media producers and Catholic lay people interested in the New Evangelization. We gather to celebrate, learn, and network in this continually growing medium. During the conferences we will host inspirational keynote speakers from top Catholic digital experts and cutting-edge educational sessions.

In 2013, we welcomed Msgr. Paul Tighe, the secretary of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications in Boston. You can watch his keynote speech, courtesy of the Archdiocese of Boston, in the video below.

Virtual Tickets

Since 2012, those who weren’t able to attend the conferences in person have the option to purchase a Virtual Ticket in the SQPN Store. In this way we’re hoping to make the CNMC available to a wider audience. Visit the SQPN store to for more information.

Information about upcoming CNMCs

There are no plans to organize a new CNMC at this point.