AA-1025 (Communist Infiltration in the Church)

In 1972, a book purported to tell the tale of a Communist infiltrator at the Vatican dedicated to bringing down the Church. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss who this mysterious agent was, where he came from, and whether he really did what the books says.

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The Rapture (Big Finish)

The 7th Doctor at The Rapture. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this audio story that takes the Doctor and Ace to Ibiza where they encounter two angels and the imminent Rapture. They discuss the Rapture within Christian belief; Ace’s existential crisis; and the true story of Blessed Francisco Palau.

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The Bad Batch – Ep. 38 & 39: Infiltration & Extraction

Cornered! Thomas Salerno, Jon Koral, and Josh Beeghley discuss this two-parter where the Bad Batch are hunted by their clone brothers. They discuss the themes of loyalty to one another and the Empire; the ethics of following orders; and the treatment of clones as disposable.

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A Satanist Asks for Help (Possession, Obsession, Vexation, Infestation)

When a Satanist recently asked Jimmy Akin for help with whether he might be possessed, Jimmy offered his best advice. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss that advice and explore how one could approach a similar situation with empathy, charity, and reason, while taking this kind of situation seriously.

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Warriors of the Deep

The 5th Doctor is caught in an undersea Cold War thriller that mixes in two old foes as well. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the highs and lows of the story; the more than usually bad effects; and the ethical underpinnings of the Silurians and Sea Devils.

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The Bad Batch – Ep. 37: The Return

Return! Ryan Nafziger, Kathryn Laffrey, and Jon Koral discuss the latest Bad Batch episode and its themes of reconciliation and identity, particularly between Crosshair and Hunter; Omega’s role within the team; and how Crosshair’s journey parallels St. Paul’s.

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Ste. Anne de Detroit: Basilica Breakdown

In the first of a series, Kathryn Laffrey and Alix Murray take a deep dive, exploring the art and images of the Basilica of Ste. Anne in Detroit; its historical and architectural significance; and the symbolic significance of the various design elements.

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Why Did God Create Dinosaurs? (& More Patrons’ Questions)

We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience. This time the questions cover why God created dinosaurs; Dom & Jimmy’s own mysterious experiences; foo fighters; and more.

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Capturing Memories: Mastering Photo Editing & Storage Solutions

Once you’ve taken photos on your phone, what next? Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Joseph Sund, and Victor Lams discuss software and workflows for editing and storing your precious photos securely. Plus, AI sacred art; parish podcasts; and America’s last Morse code station.

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