Astrophysics & Cosmic Salvation – Pints with Jack

In this bonus episode, Jimmy Akin is a guest on the Pints with Jack podcast hosted by David Bates, where they discuss C.S. Lewis’ scientific mistakes and the consequences for Christianity of finding intelligent life on other planets.

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The Big Goodbye (TNG)

It was a dimly-lit, smoke-filled backroom where Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha crack open the case of “The Big Goodbye.” In a tale as old as the stars, it’s a classic yarn of crew trapped in a haywire holodeck with a twist right out of a 1940s pulp detective novel.

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The Tomb of Christ (Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Garden Tomb, Talpiot Tomb, Others)

Jesus of Nazareth is the most pivotal figure in world history and after his crucifixion he was buried for 3 days and rose from the dead. But where was he buried? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine the various claims, look at the evidence, and identify the most likely place.

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Ainulindale and Valaquenta

Tolkien’s Silmarillion begins with the Ainulindale and Valaquenta and so Thomas Salerno, Jeff Haecker, and Patrick Mason begin the first part of a conversation about these two stories, on Middle Earth’s creation, the balance of good and evil, immortality and free will, and more.

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Starfish Are Just Heads

Dive into the world of bizarre starfish facts! Caroline Knight tells Lindsay Sant and Lino Saubolle about their unique biology, complex genetics, distinctive radial symmetry, and that their whole body is a head. Reflect with us on our enduring curiosity about nature and the critical need to preserve the rich tapestry of life on Earth.

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The Mystery of Synesthesia (Letters, Numbers, Colors, Sounds, Perception, Psychic)

When you see a written word, do you also see colors in your mind? Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the mystery of synesthesia where colors, sounds, letters, and numbers can all mix together in perception. What is synesthesia? Who has it? And what is responsible for it?

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The Secrets of Tora! Tora! Tora!

A groundbreaking war movie made by both sides in the conflict. Thomas Salerno, Dom Bettinelli, and Patrick Mason discuss this story of the attack on Pearl Harbor, its epic scale, and the moral and ethical dimensions of the attack. They also discuss how Pearl Harbor shaped the American psyche and worldview.

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A special message from StarQuest CEO Dom Bettinelli

StarQuest CEO Dom Bettinelli has a special message for listeners as we approach the Christmas season. We need to hear from you this Advent and Christmas at

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The Force and Spirituality: Force Ghosts and the Afterlife

What are Force ghosts? Angela Sealana, Patrick Mason, and Ryan Nafziger discuss these Star Wars spirit beings, their mentorship roles, and philosophical implications, drawing parallels with real-world beliefs found in Christianity and other religions.

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