Mysterious Voices! (Medical Diagnosis? Hallucination? Psychosis? Spirits?)

A woman in London began hearing mysterious voices and what they told her changed her life. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the story of Annabelle and the mysterious voices in her head that probably saved her life.

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Visions, Ep. 16 & 17 – The Bandits of Golak & The Pit

Two different stories of escape from Imperial oppression! Follow the light to pursue feasts and wonder with Robert King, Kathryn Laffrey, and Patrick “I don’t have a catchphrase” Mason as they explore the different kinds of help we find along our journeys through the darkness.

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Nicholas Black Elk (Lakota Medicine Man, Catholic Saint?)

Two popular books held Lakota medicine man Black Elk as an icon of native American spirituality. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the truths those books suppressed about Nicholas Black Elk, especially his conversion and devout Catholic faith.

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Migrating to Linux from Windows and Mac

Tired of walled gardens and ready to give it up for the freedom of open source? Dom Bettinelli, Jack Baruzzini, and Thomas Sanjurjo talk about taking the plunge by giving up Mac or Windows and making Linux your operating system of choice, including tips, instructions, and what to expect.

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Mother Catherine Spalding

Mother Catherine Spalding helped found the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in Kentucky in 1813. Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us how she spent 45 years leading and building the order and was responsible for dozens of schools, orphanages, infirmaries, and homes for the poor, leading her to be named one of the most influential women in Kentucky history.

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