
CEO, Host
Dom Bettinelli

Board Member, Host, Panelist
Jimmy Akin

Board Member, Panelist
Fr. Chip Hines

Board Member, Panelist
Steve Nelson

Board Member emeritus, Panelist
Fr. Cory Sticha

Chief Financial Officer
Linda Little

Fr. Andrew Kinstetter

Host and Panelist, Secrets of Stargate, Secrets of Technology
Jack Baruzzini

Host, Catholics of Oz
Lindsay Sant

Host, American Catholic History
Tom Crowe

Host, American Catholic History
Noëlle Crowe

Host, Raising the Betts
Melanie Bettinelli

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Mike Creavey

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Mike Denz

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Lyn Francisco

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
David Handlos

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Andrew Hermiz

Panelist, Secrets of Stargate
Lisa Jones

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Shelly Kelley

Co-Host, Catholics of Oz and Let's Science!
Caroline Knight

Panelist, Secrets of Stargate and Secrets of Technology; Editor
Victor Lams

Panelist, Secrets of Technology
Joanne Mercier

Panelist, Secrets of Middle Earth, Secrets of Star Wars
Thomas J. Salerno

Panelist, Secrets of Technology
Thomas Sanjurjo

Co-Host, Catholics of Oz, Let's Science!
Lino Saubolle

Panelist, Secrets of Technology
Pat Scott

Co-Host, Secrets of Star Wars
Angela Sealana

Panelist, Secrets of Technology
Fr. Joseph Sund

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Josh Beeghley

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Jason Eugea

Co-Host, Secrets of Sacred Art
Alix Murrary

Panelist, Secrets of Middle Earth
Mike Schramm

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Jonathan Koral

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars, Secrets of Middle Earth, Secrets of Technology
Patrick Mason

Panelist, Secrets of Middle Earth
Kaitlyn Facista

Co-Host, Secrets of Star Wars
Robert King

Co-Host, Secrets of Middle Earth
Jeff Haecker

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Fr. Geoff Horton

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Ryan Nafziger

Co-Host, Secrets of Sacred Art; Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Kathryn Laffrey

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Rob Leonardi

Panelist, Secrets of Star Wars
Christopher Hagen

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Mac Barron

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Lisa Hendey

Panelist, Secrets of Technology, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Fr. Michael Gossett

Co-Host, Catholics of Oz
Gerard Trapnell

Board Member (emeritus)
Danielle Bean

Panelist, Secrets of Movies and TV Shows
Maria Johnson

Co-Host, The Pilgrim Life, Secrets of Disney
Deborah Schaben

Board Chaplain; Panelist, Secrets of Star Trek