CW246: The Grace of Yes with Lisa Hendey

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In this episode: Lisa Hendey, Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Fr. Cory Sticha
Lisa’s new book, “The Grace of Yes”. The Diva and humility; Generativity; Grace of Yes Day November 18; Fiat the Fish! Catholic Moms on TV and Lisa’s future appearances; Remembering the early days of Catholic podcasting.
Links discussed during the show:
- SQPN’s Giving Campaign began on All Saints Day (November 1)! Go to to help!
- Lisa Hendey’s new book, The Grace of Yes: Eight Virtues for Generous Living (SQPN Affiliate Link)
- Join The Grace of Yes Book Club
- The Grace of Yes Day, November 18: Use the hashtag #graceofyesday on social media!
Picks of the Week
- Lisa: Catholic Relief Services’ Advent Resources and Alternate Giving Campaign for Christmas: CRS Fair Trade
- Maria: Billy Newton’s latest Phone Booth Friday post: Why Superheroes Have Day Jobs
- Steve: Two Catholic online retailers: Aquinas and More Catholic Goods and The Catholic Company
- Jeff N.: Lisa Hendey’s other book, O Radiant Dawn: 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath (SQPN Affiliate Link)
- Fr. Cory: Mystic Monk Coffee
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