CW259: Hipsters, Bobbleheads, and Saints

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In this episode: Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Fr. Cory Sticha
Fr. Cory’s great train adventure; Hipster Catholics to follow on Twitter; Pope Francis and Mother Teresa bobbleheads; Saintcast returns! Archbishop Romero declared a martyr; Fr. Stanley Rother sainthood cause update; USCCB Feb. 5 letter to U.S. Congress; Pray for seminarians for monthly Day of Recollection; Maria’s book update! Nikola Tesla and creativity; the Faithful Traveler Kickstarter; Gelato, Limoncello, Coffee Liqueur, and Moonshiners.
Links discussed during the show:
- Who to follow on Twitter?
- From FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students): Top 24 Catholics to Follow on Twitter plus one Protestant
- The Catholic Hipster version of the Focus Catholic Top 24 List
- Look who’s back on the podcast airwaves: it’s Paul Camarata! New Saintcast Episode 146!
- Pope recognizes martyrdom of Archbishop Romero
- Fr. Stanley Rother Guild for the cause of canonization of Fr. Rother
- USCCB and other religious and pro-life organizations urge Congress to protect fundamental freedoms in the District of Columbia
- Maria’s book review on Nikola Tesla
- David and Diana von Glahn launch their Kickstarter fundraiser for their Faithful Traveler: Exploring the California Missions project. Help them reach their funding goal by March 19, 2015!
Picks of the Week
- Maria: Mr. Bean Inserted into Historical Portraits by Caricature Artist
- Steve: The Daily Lenten Reflections by Fr. Robert Barron. Click here to sign up!
- Jeff: Good Things Radio, Brooke Taylor and Jennifer Willits’ new podcast
- Fr. Cory: Star Wars and the Power of Costume exhibit at the EMP Museum in Seattle, Washington
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