CW261: Ten Years of Catholic Podcasting!

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In this episode: Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Fr. Cory Sticha, Fr. Roderick Vonhögen
Mardi Gras/Carnival celebrations; Catching up in the office; “Spring” Convocations; R2D2 hat and other Star Wars costumes; Ten Years of Catholic Insider and Catholic podcasting!
Links discussed during the show:
- Catholic Insider podcast. Listen to Fr. Roderick’s very first Catholic Insider episode, released 23 February 2005!
- Cliff Ravenscraft’s Podcast Answer Man Ep. 393: Podcast Hijacking on YouTube & Shows I’m Subscribed To
- Steve’s old podcast, On the U
- Fr. Roderick’s Patreon page
Picks of the Week
- Maria: The 2015 Lenten Instagram Photo-A-Day Journey by and use the hashtag #CSLentIPJ
- Steve: St. Joseph Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas
- Jeff: Lent: Catholic Meditations for Lent by St. Thomas Aquinas: Website | iOS
- Fr. Cory: Post by Msgr. Charles Pope: The Gift of Sorrow for Sin – A Meditation on the “Mass for the Gift of Tears” in the Missal
- Fr. Roderick: Paper by FiftyThree: Website | iOS
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