Our New Season of Shows Has Begun

For the Week Ending October 8, 2016
As promised, we’ve begun bringing you our new Fourth Quarter lineup of shows, with a new show every day this week! You can listen to or watch the shows on our web site at Trideo.com or subscribe to our audio podcasts in podcatcher software on your computer or iOS or Android device. We’ve also made available our One-Click Subscription to get every episode of all our audio productions. What could be easier? And to subscribe to our videos, visit our channel on YouTube at YouTube.com/Trideo and click on the “subscribe” button.
(P.S. We say “Fourth Quarter” rather than “Fall/Winter” because we have many friends in parts of the world where they’re beginning Spring.)
The Break: Designated Survivor
In this week’s episode of The Break, Fr. Roderick discusses the launch of Trideo, reviews the new ABC show Designated Survivor, explains beatifications and stigmata, and brings up Star Trek and alien life.
Everything I Learned from Disney: Baby Mine
In this first episode of our new miniseries on Disney fandom, Fr. Roderick talks with Kathy Kelly about important life lessons she finds in the movies Dumbo and Finding Nemo and in other other Disney creations.
The Walk: How to Create a Content Calendar
Fr. Roderick takes us on his walk while he tells us about how using a content calendar allowed him to plan all his new shows so that he can communicate with you on a consistent basis.
World Animal Day is always on October 4 because of the feast day of Saint Francis. We created a new LEGO video to explain why Saint Francis is the patron saint of animals.
Let’s Talk Fitness
Cliff Ravenscraft, Riley Blanton and Fr. Roderick talk about getting fit and share their failures and successes.
How to Live Like a Hobbit: Contentment
In our second new miniseries, Fr. Roderick looks at the simple life, surrounded by nature, filled with friendly encounters, good food, afternoon tea and evening parties under a starry sky: who wouldn’t want to trade their busy, noisy and stressful world for a life in the Shire? In episode #1 of “How to Live Like a Hobbit”, Fr. Roderick begins his quest to discover how to do just that. It all starts with what is perhaps the most important characteristic of a Hobbit lifestyle: contentment.
We hope you enjoy all these new shows, that you share them with friends and family, and let us know what you think. Join the conversation with the whole community of listeners and viewers on Facebook and Twitter.
And of course, it is thanks to the generous donations and prayers of the Friends of SQPN like you that we are able to bring you the programs you enjoy. If you’d like to make a one-time gift or make a pledge for as little as $2.50 per month, please visit SQPN.com/donate.