WHO053: Bad Wolf and Parting of the Ways

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Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the first regeneration of the New Who era, the 9th Doctor’s in the two-parter “Bad Wolf” and “Parting of the Ways.” How is it different from Classic regenerations? What’s the same? They discuss whether they think this regeneration fits with all previous ones and why Christopher Eccleston only stayed one year in the role of the Doctor.
Links for this episode:
- What the 50th Anniversary Special would have been like with Christopher Eccleston, from TheNerdist.com
- Story boards from the 50th Anniversary Special version that included Christopher Eccleston, from DenofGeek.com
- The video intros played in cinema showings of the 50th Anniversary Special.
- Leave us a review on iTunes!
- Check out Jimmy Akin’s regular blog and Doctor Who blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who, Fr. Cory Sticha’s web site and Dom Bettinelli’s blog.
- Join the conversation at the Secrets of Doctor Who Facebook page.