TEC005: Robocalls and Technology Censorship

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Americans endured over 26 billion robocalls last year. Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Michael Gossett, and Thomas Sanjurjo discuss what should be done at the government, corporate, and individual levels to deal with them. Then they discuss censorship by social media platforms and who gets to decide what is acceptable speech.
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Links for this episode:
- Robocallers blasted Americans with 26.3 billion spam calls last year
- YouTube reverses ban for streamer who killed Red Dead 2 feminist
- YouTube Is Going to Bury ‘Borderline’ Content. It Won’t Tell Us What That Means
- Facebook’s global crackdown on information operations is getting more intense – The Verge
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- Email us feedback or comments to [email protected]
Picks of the Week:
- Fr. Michael: Google Photos
- Thomas: Qlone 3D scanning app
- Dom: SetApp for Mac