Build Your Own PC

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TEC167: You don’t have to be a super-geek to build your own computer. Dom Bettinelli, Victor Lams, and Fr. Joseph Sund discuss the pros and cons, benefits and potential pitfalls of building your own computer from individual components.
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Links for this episode:
- Pick parts. Build your PC. Compare and share. – PCPartPicker
- 61 in 1 Professional Computer Repair Screwdriver Set
- Virtual learning apps tracked and shared kids’ data and online activities with advertisers, report says – CNN
- California Bill May Let Parents Sue Over Kids’ Social-Media Addiction
- New ‘Smart’ Cheese Rinds Help Fight Parmesan Fraud | Food & Wine
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Picks of the Week:
- Fr. Joseph: MacOS 8 emulator; System 7 emulator; The Official Basilisk II Home Page
- Victor: Voltage Modular | Cherry Audio
- Dom: TextExpander
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