Listen to Others, Listen to the Spirit

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COZ101: The Synod is on the way so Lindsay, Caroline, and Lino unpack the working document that will guide the synod participants this October, finding hope in the prayer-based focus. Caroline then shares new discoveries about shooting stars on the Sun, and more.
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Links for this episode:
- Synod website
- Description of the Instrumentum laboris
- The Synod on synodality instrumentum laboris
- Synod timeline
- Methodology for the first session of synodal assembly
- Conversations in the Spirit
- Instrumentum Laboris structure
- Solar astronomers discover ‘shooting stars’ on the sun’s corona
- Coronal Rain
- Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
- Email us feedback or comments to [email protected]
- Also check out our other podcast Let’s Science!
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