The Art of Altar Bread

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SSA010: Millions of Communion hosts are made and consumed every year by Catholics. Kathryn Laffrey and Alix Murray discuss the hidden art found on altar breads from small hosts to the large breads used by priests, plus the history of altar breaking making and decoration.
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Links for this episode:
- Alexander Vervaet Art
- Cavanagh Company
- The Art of Making Altar Breads
- Communion Bread Makers on Display at Museum
- Host Baking Machine 1800W 110V
- Hosts and Particles Baking Machine
- Altar Bread Video
- Altar Breads: Catholic Encyclopedia Entry
- Host: Catholic Online Encyclopedia Entry
- Song of Solomon 2
- Why Does the Priest Elevate the Host and the Chalice During Mass?
- Qurban Recipe
- Manuscript Image from The Morgan Library & Museum
- Illuminating Faith Exhibition
- Christ the Saviour with the Eucharist – Museo del Prado
- Metropolitan Museum of Art Collection
- Qurban Seal
- Prosphoro – the traditional preparation of the Holy Bread offering – YouTube Video
- Saint Spyridon and Saint Nicodemus Image on Wikipedia
- Altar Bread Information
- Hosts Made by Nuns
- Meet the Cloistered Nuns Who Bake Communion Bread
- Altar Bread Video by Poor Clare Sisters
- Santa Rita Abbey Altar Breads
- Manuscript from The Morgan Library & Museum
- Qurban Preparation Lamb
- The Divine Liturgy
- Loaves and Fishes Mosaic Restored
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