Section 31

SST346: A spy thriller in Star Trek? Michelle Yeoh shines in Section 31, exposing the seamy world underneath the Federation’s ideals. Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Jason Tyler, and Jimmy Akin dissect the action, drama, and lore while weighing its merits as a movie versus a full series.

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The Episode is Brought to You By: Exodus 90 and the Exodus 90 challenge, which begins this year on January 20th. This isn’t just a 90-day program: Exodus 90 is a spirituality for men in modern times built on three ancient pillars: prayer, self-sacrifice, and fraternity. We all long for something more. And that something is to be found in becoming the men that God created us to be: sons of a loving Father. It’s time to turn away from our Idols. It’s time to break free from the Pharaohs that hold us in bondage. If you’re ready to make a fresh start, to break free, refocus, and rediscover who God is calling you to be in the new year and embark on a journey to Uncommon Freedom in Jesus Christ, then download the Exodus 90 app today.