Star Wars: Ewoks

We’re going way back to the 1985 animated series Star Wars Ewoks. Thomas Salerno and Kathryn Laffrey discuss Ewoks’ place in Star Wars from their controversial origin in ROTJ to lighthearted adventures in the cartoon, and reflect on their favorite characters and moments from the series.

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Star Wars LEGO: Rebuild the Galaxy

Darth Jar Jar?! Kathryn Laffrey, Jon Koral, and Dom Bettinelli discuss Star Wars LEGO: Rebuild the Galaxy, including the themes of the contrast between light and dark; how characters changed in this re-imagined galaxy; and how it reflects on the original Star Wars story.

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A Special Message from StarQuest

StarQuest CEO Dom Bettinelli has a special message for all listeners and supporters of StarQuest’s shows.

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Virtue and Vice in Star Wars

Explore virtue and vice in Star Wars with Angela Sealana, Andrew Hermiz, and Robert King, as they discuss characters like Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, highlighting their roles in the battle between good and evil, and virtues embodied by figures like Chirrut Imwe, Cassian Andor, and Rey in the timeless struggle between light and darkness, underscoring how they aid in understanding human nature and real-world challenges.

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