A Marketplace of Girl Influencers

Protect the girls. Dom Bettinelli, Joanne Mercier, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss the exploitation of girls on Instagram in accounts managed by moms and stalked by men and what we should do about it. Plus, Joanne’s Vision Pro experience, the failure of self-checkout, and more.

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Frontier in Space

The 3rd Doctor on the frontier! Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this story of conflict between Earth and the Draconian Empire, manipulated by the Master and the Daleks, including the Cold War themes, political prisoners, and Jo’s character development.

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The Bad Batch – Ep. 33, 34 & 35: Confined, Paths Unknown, and Shadows of Tantiss

The final season begins! Robert King, Kathryn Laffrey, and Josh Beeghley discuss the first three episodes of the 3rd season of The Bad Batch, including themes of family and surival, as well as what we can expect in this season.

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Architecture and the Liturgy

How do the art and architecture of churches contribute to Catholic liturgy? Kathryn Laffrey and Alix Murray discuss the elements of the Catholic church, incuding verticality, permanence, and iconography, highlighting how these features connect the faithful to the divine, as well as the history of church architecture across cultures.

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Starship Down (DS9)

Up periscope! Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss this story of the USS Defiant in a submarine-like battle. They discuss Kyra’s faith, Quark’s business acumen, and Worf’s leadership style as the crew fights to survive the Jem-Hadar and the environment.

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Heroes, Parts 1 and 2

Sacrifice! Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Victor Lams discuss this epic two-parter that swings from fun and quirky documentary to a shocking loss with exceptional acting and writing throughout. They also discuss military heroism and freedom of the press.

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The Chronovisor (Vatican, Time Travel, Time Viewer)

In 1972, an Italian newspaper published a photo it said was the face of Christ as shown by a machine that could view any point in history. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli ask whether the photo and the machine, the Chronovisor, was real; who was the priest who claimed to create it; and who has it now.

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Peter Jackson’s The Two Towers

So much happens in Peter Jackson’s film verison of The Two Towers. Jeff Haecker, Thomas Salerno, and Alix Murray discuss the film’s portrayals of Faramir and Theoden; the themes of hope, unity, and despair at Helm’s Deep; and the changes made from the book.

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