Tag Archives: Thanksgiving

CW297: Thanksgiving and Advent

In this episode: Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Fr. Cory Sticha

Thanksgiving with Catholic Weekend; Irrelevant/outdated references; Advent practices; Clyde, the Christmas Camel; Feedback from Daniel; The Science of Gratitude.

Advent Resources

Hospital’s Photo Series Reminds Us of the Real Meaning of Thanksgiving

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CW296: SQPN’s New Executive Director!

In this episode: Domenico Bettinelli, Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Jeff Nielsen, Fr. Cory Sticha, Fr. Roderick Vonhögen

Introducing SQPN’s New Executive Director, Domenico Bettinelli! Fr. Roderick from the TARDIS and his media activities; Challenge of writing (and translating) books; Virtual reality; Wintry weather; Things NOT to say to a priest; Catholic Weekend Thanksgiving; Plane trouble over Montana and the generosity of strangers.

Links discussed during the show:

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CW249: Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas Traditions

https://media.blubrry.com/jimmy_akins_mysterious_world/traffic.libsyn.com/sqpn01/CW249.mp3Podcast: DownloadIn this episode: Maria Johnson, Steve Nelson, Sarah Vabulas This episode was sponsored by Brian Mozisek, promoting Project Blue November. Thanksgiving, Catholic Weekend style; College football parties; Black Friday: yes or no? Finding Christmas trees, live and artificial, and Christmas decorations; Celebrating Christmas traditions with the family; Musical panelists; Muppets! Advent traditions; Aging beers; […]