WHO010: In the Forest of the Night

WHO010: In the Forest of the Night

In this podcast episode we review and analyse episode 10 of season 8, entitled ‘In the Forest of the Night’ and discuss the underlying themes, inside jokes and hidden gems.

Join Jimmy Akin, Stephanie Zimmer, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Roderick for discussion, analysis and speculation!

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Check out Jimmy Akin’s blog Let’s Watch Doctor Who and Dom Bettinelli & Fr. Roderick’s podcast Secrets of Star Wars! Subscribe to the Feed | Subscribe with iTunes

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  1. thebutler

    Hello! Thanks for another entertaining and informative podcast.
    Frank Cottrell Boyce is the father of seven children. I think this may give him some insight in how to write dialogues for children.
    The episode is so fairytale heavy, I personally think questions about the credibility of the science are irrelevant at this point. In more urban and/or science fiction/speculative fiction themed episodes realism becomes more important. Doctor Who has always known both extremes; hard science fiction and allegory, poetic storytelling and pure fairytale. It’s all good as far as I’m, concerned.

  2. thebutler

    By the way, Father ‘Idiot’, about nightmares of the forest, the Doctor may have had the Fabeltjeskrant’s Enge Bos in mind. 😉

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