Facebook Bans and FaceApp Fears

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TEC027: When Dom Bettinelli had a quote from St. Augustine banned by Facebook as hate speech, it raised questions that he discusses with Joanne Mercier and Fr. Cory Sticha about social media censorship and this new public square. Plus they discuss the FaceApp freakout over fears of Russian hacking.
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Links for this episode:
- Facebook Banned St. Augustine as Hate Speech – Bettnet.com
- CENSORSHIP: Facebook Labels Christian Quote "Hate Speech" | Todd Starnes
- FaceApp
- Panicking about FaceApp? There are risks with 'Facebook, SnapChat' too
- FaceApp Russia: Here's what we know about the Russian company behind it – The Washington Post
- FaceApp says it's not uploading all your photos – CNET
- FaceApp: Chuck Schumer asks for FBI investigation – BBC News
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