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RTB008: Summer vacation in Gettysburg includes tent camping in one of the hottest heat waves in years, but Dom and Melanie endure. They share their most and least favorite bits, including a visit to Seton Shrine. Plus Dom follows up on his global media-spanning Facebook ban.
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Links for this episode:
- Melanie’s first day blog post about Gettysburg
- Dom’s blog post about Gettysburg
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B07PDJ1GW6″ locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]Coleman Connectable Tent[/easyazon_link]
- Gettysburg Field Guide
- Gettysburg Campground
- Gettysburg National Military Park
- St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Shrine
- Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
- Melanie’s blog: The Wine-Dark Sea
- Dom’s blog: Bettnet
- Join the conversation at the StarQuest Facebook page.
- Send us your feedback or comments at [email protected]