Technology and April Fools 2020

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TEC059: This year, some tech companies thought April Fools pranks would be in bad taste, but Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Joanne Mercier agree that laughter is the best medicine right now. Plus, avoiding zoombombing, potential delays in new tech products, and Microsoft 365.
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Links for this episode:
- April Fools Day 2020: Most cancel pranks this year, but a few still go on (see list) –
- April Fools’ Day pranks are not funny right now. Don’t do them. – CNN
- Zoom Meeting | Is Zoom Safe? | Zoom Privacy Risks, Screen Sharing
- Microsoft’s Skype sees massive increase in usage as coronavirus spreads – CNET
- Apple staffers suffer work-from-home setbacks due to security guidelines, travel bans
- Office 365 is becoming Microsoft 365 with new features for the same price
- Microsoft’s Family Safety app combines screen time and location tracking | Engadget
- Apple acquires popular weather app Dark Sky and will shut down the Android version – The Verge
- Governments are using cellphone location data to manage the coronavirus – The Verge
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Picks of the Week:
- Fr. Cory: Peloton app for fre
- Joanne: Streamlabs OBS for Mac
- Dom: [easyazon_link identifier=”B07W4XYTPY” locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]Tile Sticker[/easyazon_link]
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