Back Up Your Kindle Ebooks

TEC078: If you own Kindle ebooks, you should make backups. Dom, Pat, and Fr .Cory discuss why and how. Also, what the battle between Apple, Google, and some app store developers means for you, robots in distress, can there be good malware, and our picks of the week.

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Links for this episode:

Picks of the Week:

  • Pat: [easyazon_link identifier=”B005GZRUZW” locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]APC UPS, 650VA UPS Battery Backup Surge Protector[/easyazon_link]
  • Fr. Cory: One Deck Dungeon — Handelabra Games
  • [easyazon_link identifier=”B01NBIJZAN” locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]One Deck Dungeon (Paper)[/easyazon_link]
  • Dom: Soundsource 5

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