WHO033: World Enough and Time

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the 11th and penultimate episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “World Enough and Time.” Regenerations, two Masters, Mondasian cybermen, beloved characters in peril with a black hole and time dilation to boot. Showrunner Stephen Moffat pulls out all the stops as he races to the finish of his tenure at Doctor Who.

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WHO032: The Eaters of Light

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the tenth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Eaters of Light.” Hear about the real life mystery surrounding the Ninth Legion of the Roman Army, the special distinction held by the writer of this episode and our recounting of all the great Scottish jokes. After all, as you can see below, it featured Jimmy Akin wearing Pictish face paint! What did you think of this episode?

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WHO031: The Empress of Mars

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the ninth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Empress of Mars.” It’s a rip-roaring adventure on Mars straight out of Edgar Rice Burroughs and featuring the classic Doctor Who villains, the Ice Warriors. Our panel examines the episode within the context of the season, but also in the context of their classic appearances on the show. What did you think of this episode?

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WHO030: The Lie of the Land

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the eighth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Lie of the Land”. The final episode of the “monk trilogy” begins with the monks in control of the world and, apparently of the Doctor. Our panel looks at the episode in itself, in context of the previous two, and of the whole season–spoilers–find it coming up short. Listen to find out why? What do you think? Do you agree?

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WHO029: The Pyramid at the End of the World

Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the seventh episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “The Pyramid at the End of the World”. The corpse-like monks are real this time as is the threat they pose to earth. Can the Doctor figure out the real threat to earth in time to save it?

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WHO028 – Extremis

Jimmy Akin, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Dom Bettinelli discuss and analyze the sixth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Extremis”. Zombie monks, the Pope, Missy, and a deadly book all bring the blinded Doctor, Nardole, and Bill together to begin their battle against a new foe. And with major Catholic elements in this episode, you know that this Doctor Who podcast with a panel of professional Catholics at the helm would have all the hot takes, secrets, and insights into this one.

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WHO027 – Oxygen

Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Cory Sticha discuss and analyze the fifth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Oxygen”. As the 70s ban Sweet sang, “Your love is like oxygen.” We discuss space zombies, a nagging Nardole, Bill’s first true jeopardy, and a call back by the Doctor all the way to the very First Doctor’s time. Also, we look ahead to the Pope, Missy, and the reveal of what’s in the vault.

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WHO026: Knock, Knock

Fr. Cory Sticha, Dom Bettinelli, and Jimmy Akin discuss and analyze the fourth episode of the 10th Season of Doctor Who entitled “Knock, Knock”. Knock, Knock. Who’s there? Yes, he is. Our panel discusses this haunted house story and come up with insights and little-known facts that not only bear on this episode, but start to put together the broader picture of the rest of the season.

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HTL004: Dragon Sickness

It’s in the darkest moments, when Bilbo faces the most dangerous monsters, that he grows the most. What can his encounters with goblins, spiders and Smaug teach us about facing the dangers in our own life? And what is the biggest threat to middle-earth that also often endangers our own world?

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