The Questing Beast (King Arthur, Medieval Mystery)

The tales of King Arthur are filled with mysterious creatures, including one called the Questing Beast. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss this strange and mysterious cryptid, whether it was just a creature of Medieval imagination or if it could have a basis in the real world.

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Heaven Sent

This 12th Doctor story gets mixed reviews from Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha. Trapped in an atmospheric, moody castle, pursued by the Veil, the Doctor must make a confession of the truth. An unfortunately implausible wall is one major barrier for this episode though.

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Elves and Dwarves

Examining Tolkien’s Elves and Dwarves, Thomas Salerno, Mike Schramm, and Jeff Haecker discuss their mystical and earthly natures; portrayals in media; their rich backstory in “The Silmarillion;” symbolism in their relationship—elves reflect beauty; dwarves, greed; their history of conflict and cooperation, especially in “The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings,” where Gimli and Legolas’s friendship exemplifies their potential harmony.

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The Mortis Entities Deep Dive

The so-called “Mortis gods” from Clone Wars and Rebels are one of that galaxy’s biggest mysteries, and they’re evidently going to be more significant to Star Wars lore than we realized! Mike Creavey, Kathryn Laffrey, and Thomas Salerno take a closer look.

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Our Lady of Zeitoun (Egyptian Apparition, Coptic Church)

Christianity has a long and fruitful history in Egypt, and when witnesses reported apparitions of the Virgin Mary at a Coptic church in Cairo suburb of Zeitoun in 1968, thousands of people came to see. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss what happened there and whether the apparitions were genuine.

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The Art of Bouguereau

Enter the captivating world of Bouguereau’s art. Alix Murray and Kathryn Laffrey explore this 19th-century painter’s works, its fame and fall from grace in the 20th century, and the profound historical, religious, and artistic significance and why it remains so popular among Catholics.

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Announcing Dreams (Unborn Children, Pre-Birth Communications, Related Experiences)

Some mothers and fathers report having dreams before the birth or even conception of their baby in which they are told about the child or even talk to the baby himself. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the phenomena and what could be causing them.

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