The Mystery of St. Toribio Romo (El Padre Pollero, El Santo Coyote)

St. Toribio Romo was born to a poor family in Mexico and became a priest in a time when the Church was being persecuted. He was eventually martyred. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli explore the saint’s life and death and the strange mystery that surrounds him today.

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The Knights of the Golden Circle (Secret Society, Civil War, John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln, Confederate Gold, Rebels, Slavery)

In the 19th century, secret societies were all the rage and the Knights of the Golden Circle were among the most famous. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss their origin and aims, their role in the Civil War, and the mysteries surrounding them.

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Family Tech Day

Are you the go-to person for all things tech in your family? Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Jack Baruzzini have tips for how to make the most out of Family Tech Day, to help you maintain all your family’s gadgets but also teach them best practices to use them safely and efficiently. From laptops to smartphones, they’ll provide you with all the expert advice you need to keep your family’s tech gear up to date and optimized.

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The Valar

The Valar are the angelic guardians of Middle-earth who watch over the heroes and influence the world in dramatic and surprising ways. Thomas Salerno, Kaitlyn Facista, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Jeff Haecker discuss their favorite Valar and even create their own original Valar characters.

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The Cash-Landrum UFO Incident (Radiation? Government Experiment? Cover-Up?)

In 1980, two women and a boy had a frightening encounter with a UFO blazing light and fire. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss the event, the health effects it had, the women’s battle with the US gov’t over it, and what could be responsible for it all.

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