“Assisted Dying” and Conscientious Objection

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COZ013: New laws in Victoria allowed for assisted suicide to begin in June 2019 and Lindsay, Caroline, and Gerry share their concerns and discuss the response of Victoria’s Catholic bishops and hospitals. Also, news on life on Mars, Killer Whales with Aussie accents, and more.
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Links for this episode:
- Victoria Bishops Pastoral Letter on Euthanasia
- Archdiocese of Melbourne: What we can do about euthanasia
- “Medics uneasy on ending lives,” Catholic Weekly
- How Martian microbes could survive in the salty puddles of Mars
- Killer Whales communicate with Australian accents
- Notre Dame first Mass since fire
- Let’s Talk about the Seal of Confession
- Leave us a review on Apple Podcasts!
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