Plugging Data Privacy Leaks

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TEC052: Our private data is leaking out of our technology in thousands of ways. Dom Bettinelli, Jack Baruzzini, and Thomas Sanjurjo discuss ways to plug some of those leaks and the obstacles keeping us from data security. Plus Google’s new search ads, headlines, and picks of the week.
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Links for this episode:
- The Cost of Avast’s Free Antivirus: Companies Can Spy on Your Clicks | PCMag
- Ring Doorbell App Packed with Third-Party Trackers | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Technology columnist spent a year tracking his data, grabbing it back
- In smart apartments, is tenants’ privacy for rent? – The Boston Globe
- Google’s ads just look like search results now – The Verge
- Google’s latest user-hostile design change makes ads and search results look identical – TechCrunch
- U.S. files lawsuits over robocall scams, cites ‘massive financial losses’
- Oscar winner Taika Waititi says Writers Guild union needs to get Apple to fix the MacBook keyboards – 9to5Mac
- 8-year-old spends $1,875 on Roblox in-app purchases by adding her fingerprint to TouchID | iMore
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Picks of the Week:
- Thomas: GIMP – GNU Image Manipulation Program
- Jack: Bitdefender Antivirus Free
- Dom: [easyazon_link identifier=”B076H3SRXG” locale=”US” tag=”wwwsqpncom-20″]Wyze Cam 1080p HD Indoor Wireless Smart Home Camera[/easyazon_link]
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