Slave to Saint and Solar Wind

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COZ026: The whole band is back together! Caroline, Lindsay, and Gerry talk about St. Josephine Bakhita, who went from being trafficked as a slave to freedom as a religious sister. Caroline also shares exciting news about the Sun, and the team shares how they build deeper relationships with their children.
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Links for this episode:
- St Josephine Bakhita and the fight against trafficking
- 5 things to know about St Josephine Bakhita
- Josephine Bakhita – Wikipedia
- Feast Day: St Josephine Bakhita
- Going slavery-free: ACRATH
- Good On You
- World’s largest solar telescope produces never-before-seen image of our star | Space
- Solar and Heliospheric Observatory Homepage
- You can listen to the solar wind thanks to NASA’s Parker Solar Probe
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