The Vatican and Ethical AI

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TEC055: The Vatican working with Big Tech has put forth a set of principles for ethical artificial intelligence. Dom Bettinelli, Jack Baruzzini, and Thomas Sanjurjo agree that the Church should be at the forefront of this issue and that the real danger isn’t Skynet, but something much more present today.
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Links for this episode:
- Vatican backs AI regulations to ‘protect people’ – POLITICO
- Microsoft, IBM, FAO leaders join Archbishop Paglia in signing ‘Rome Call for AI Ethics’ – Catholic Culture
- Rome Call for AI Ethics – Pontifical Academy for Life
- Google has right to censor conservative nonprofit on YouTube – Naked Security
- Use Amazon, Uber or You’ve probably signed away your right to sue them – CNN
- Activate This ‘Bracelet of Silence,’ and Alexa Can’t Eavesdrop – The New York Times
- Robo Revenge Lets You Sue Robocallers for Up to $3,000
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