Death at the National Hotel! (Conspiracy? Assassination? Serial Killer? Disease?)

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MYS124: In 1857, President-elect James Buchanan became violently ill during a stay at Washington DC’s National Hotel, as did hundreds of others, many of whom died. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli examine whether it was a serial killer, a mysterious disease, or perhaps a presidential assassination plot.
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Links for this episode:
- Kerry Walters’s book Outbreak in Washington
- The Book of Poisons
- Burke McCarty’s book The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
- James Buchanan
- National Hotel Disease
- Manifest Destiny
- Know-Nothings
- Bloody Monday
- Germ Theory
- 1854 Broad Street Cholera Outbreak
- Humoral Medicine
- Heroic Medicine
- Miasma Theory
- Cholera
- Ingo Swann Archive at University of West Georgia
- Ingo Swann Website
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