Retro Gaming in Emulation

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TEC107: Retro gaming is hot! Dom, Fr. Andrew, and Jack talk about how to find and play classic video games on your modern tech and why you might want to. Plus, T-Mobile’s privacy misstep, Facebook’s mindreading tech, and what happens to learning tech after lockdown.
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Links for this episode:
- DOSBox, an x86 emulator with DOS
- VICE – the Versatile Commodore Emulator
- How to Use DOSBox for Beginners
- My Abandonware – Download Old Video Games
- How Old School Computers and Games Work. – YouTube
- Planet X3 for MS-DOS computers – The 8-Bit Guy
- Apple II Library: The 4am Collection : Free Software : Free Download, Borrow and Streaming : Internet Archive
- T-Mobile to Share Customers’ Web Browsing Data With Advertisers Unless They Opt Out | PCMag
- Facebook is making a bracelet that lets you control computers with your brain
- Learning Apps Have Boomed During the Pandemic. Now Comes the Real Test – The New York Times
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Picks of the Week:
- Jack: Apple M1 MacBook Air
- Fr. Andrew: Crash on the Run game for iOS and Android
- Dom: iTerm2 terminal emulator and Taming the Terminal ebook
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Photo: Lorenzo Herrera on Unsplash.