SCR012: The Secrets of The Good Place, Season 1

A sitcom about the afterlife that takes philsophy and ethics seriously? Yes, please! Jimmy Akin, Mac Barron, Dom Bettinelli, and Fr. Cory Sticha talk about the premise of the show and what happens in the first season, not including the finale. We cover that and season 2 in our next episode.

If you haven’t watched The Good Place, then we encourage you to listen to this episode first and wait on the next episode until you’ve seen the first season finale. If you have watched The Good Place, then you know this sort of thing is right up our alley and we have a great discussion of the implications of the story and its comedic vision of the afterlife.

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WHO068: Power of the Daleks

Jimmy Akin, Dom Bettinelli and Fr. Cory Sticha are reviewing all the post-regeneration Doctor Who stories, starting with the 2nd Doctor, who set the precedent. Power of the Daleks was also a lost episode whose original soundtrack has been matched with new animation. Is it as good as the original?

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