
When you set aside the computer-related ridiculousness, Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, Victor Lams, and Jack Baruzzini agree that this “bottle” episode gave the actors room to explore their characters beyond the usual.

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Planet of the angry Tinkerbells! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss an episode that is better then they remembered, where SG1 has to deal with some brainy scientist types whose arrogance get them in trouble, including a Carter cadet clone.

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The Light

Don’t do drugs, kids! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss this story where the SG team gets addicted to a Goa’uld device with an involuntary rehab on an alien planet and a lonely alien child with a message worthy of an after-school special.

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Blessed Advent, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year from StarQuest

Dom Bettinelli, CEO of StarQuest, has a special Advent and Christmas greetings for all listeners and an important message about the mission of StarQuest.

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Absolute Power

If you had absolute power, could you still be a good person? Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss this story that illustrates that you can’t use evil means to bring about a good end and absolute power tends to corrupt.

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Chain Reaction

Intrigue! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss the O’Neill/Maybourne friendship; everyone’s favorite villain Kinsey, and the clueless general who nearly destroys earth with his blundering about.

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Cheyenne, we have a problem. Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss Jack and Teal’c’s misadventure in a former Goa’uld ship, including the many references to other space scifi, the comedy and drama, especially in facing death.

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Point of No Return

Sometimes conspiracy theories are real! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss the story featuring Martin Lloyd, a man who thinks aliens are real and yet knows things about the Stargate; plus the real world theories that the Stargate show was itself disinformation.

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Beneath the Surface

Amnesia! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams dioscuss whether this is a classic SG-1 story with a scifi premise built around the relationships in the team or it’s yet another amnesia episode recycling old scifi tropes.

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Scorched Earth

Moral dilemma! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss this story that challenges SG-1 to find a solution that will benefit and save two peoples, neither of which is the bad guy in this situation.

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Window of Opportunity

Time loop! Fr. Cory Sticha, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss what may be the most loved episode of Stargate SG-1, including all the fun touches and Easter eggs, but also the question of the morality of what you do during a time loop.

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Divide and Conquer

In the third part of the Tok’ra trilogy, Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, Fr. Cory Sticha, and Victor Lams discuss the awkward Freya and the next level in the O’Neil-Carter relationship; Manchurian candidates and alien lie detectors; and how memory works.

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Beware of Tok’ra bearing gifts. Jack Baruzzini, Lisa Jones, and Victor Lams discuss how absolute power tends to corrupt; how Tok’ra arrogance isn’t far from Goa’uld arrogance; and how General Hammond has the patience of a saint.

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