The (Nazi) Hess Conspiracies (Rudolf Hess)

During WWII, Rudolph Hess, a close aide to Hitler, made a secret flight to Scotland, where he was imprisoned. Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli discuss who Hess was, why he crossed enemy lines, and the allegations of conspiracies involving British and Nazi leaders.

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Ancient Human Aliens? (Pre-Adamites & More Patrons’ Questions!)

We regularly give Patrons the opportunity to ask Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli their mysterious questions and make them available exclusively to Patrons first and then later to the whole audience. We cover topics such as cryptoterrestrials, crop circles, demoniacs in the Gospels, and more.

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The Bad Batch – Ep. 26: Retrieval

The Bad Batch retrieve their ship in a mash-up of Oliver Twist, A-Team, and Temple of Doom! Kathryn Laffrey, Joshua Beeghley, and Robert King discuss the dignity of work and workers, comfort-food hijinks versus plot-driven drama, and whether Omega is really as good as she seems.

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