Star Trek

The Secrets of Star Trek is a fan celebration and discussion of the long-running TV and movie franchise that looks at all of the TV series, movies, and other properties going back to the Original Series and right up to all the new Star Trek being produced today and in the near future. Secrets of Star Trek takes an episode-by-episode deep dive into all the completed series (The Original Series, The Animated Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, and Enterprise), the movies, and all that is still being produced (Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, Prodigy, and beyond). Join Jimmy AkinDomenico Bettinelli, and Fr. Jason Tyler as they dive into the hidden layers and deeper meanings of Star Trek.

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  • Elogium (VOY)

    Elogium (VOY)

    Kes faces a life-changing decision as Voyager encounters bizarre space creatures! Is Elogium a compelling character study or a misstep? Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin break down the episode’s awkward biology, Neelix’s worst behavior, and the generational ship dilemma.

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  • The Sword of Kahless (DS9)

    The Sword of Kahless (DS9)

    Worf, Kor, and Dax set out to recover the legendary Sword of Kahless, but ambition threatens to tear them apart! Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler unpack this DS9 tale of power, honor, and betrayal. Is the Empire ready for the sword?

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  • The Price (TNG)

    The Price (TNG)

    The Federation bids on a wormhole, but is it worth the price? Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler examine TNG’s “The Price,” unpacking shady negotiations, Troi’s rushed romance, and Ferengi missteps that echo into Voyager. Plus, is Ral a genius or just creepy?

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  • The Time Trap (TAS)

    The Time Trap (TAS)

    Kirk and the Enterprise vanish into a mysterious space graveyard, trapped by a no-violence law and a Klingon scheme. Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler unravel the twists, logic gaps, and deeper themes behind this animated Star Trek adventure!

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  • The Devil in the Dark (TOS)

    The Devil in the Dark (TOS)

    The Enterprise crew faces a deadly subterranean menace—but is it truly a monster? Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler unpack The Devil in the Dark, revealing its surprising themes, Kirk’s transformation, and Spock’s emotional depth.

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  • Shockwave (ENT)

    Shockwave (ENT)

    A colony destroyed, Enterprise blamed, and Archer trapped in a ruined future! Jimmy Akin and Dom Bettinelli break down Shockwave, the explosive Enterprise first season finale, unpacking its gripping twists, time travel intrigue, and eerie real-world parallels.

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  • Section 31

    Section 31

    A spy thriller in Star Trek? Michelle Yeoh shines in Section 31, exposing the seamy world underneath the Federation’s ideals. Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Jason Tyler, and Jimmy Akin dissect the action, drama, and lore while weighing its merits as a movie versus a full series.

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  • The Raven (VOY)

    The Raven (VOY)

    Seven’s Borg past resurfaces as she uncovers the tragic truth of her assimilation in Voyager’s “The Raven.” Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin analyze her struggle with humanity, compelling character moments, and deeper themes of identity and transformation.

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  • 765874 – Unification

    765874 – Unification

    Celebrate Star Trek’s legacy with Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler as they uncover the secrets of 765874 Unification. This visually stunning series of videos unites timelines, gives a fitting sendoff to Kirk and Spock, and honors Trek’s themes of friendship and renewal.

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  • The Forsaken (DS9)

    The Forsaken (DS9)

    Dive through the layers of DS9’s “The Forsaken” with Dom Bettinelli and Jimmy Akin as they discuss where Odo’s vulnerability meets Lwaxana Troi’s compassion. From chaotic ambassadors to a rogue alien program, they break down the drama, humor, and emotional depth in this episode!

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  • The New Next Generation (LD)

    The New Next Generation (LD)

    Tackle the Lower Decks series finale with Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler. From reality-warping rifts to Klingon drama, they assess the bold ending, its legacy, and what’s next for Star Trek fans. Don’t miss this animated conclusion!

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  • Fissure Quest (LD)

    Fissure Quest (LD)

    Dive into the penultimate episode of Lower Decks with Dom Bettinelli, Jimmy Akin, and Fr. Jason Tyler as they explore the multiverse mayhem, fan-favorite character returns, and Trek’s funniest twists. What secrets will be revealed next?

    Listen Now!

See Our Discussions by Trek series and original episode airdate:

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