Joseph Smith, Mormon Prophet

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MYS050: Joseph Smith reported receiving divine revelations in the early 1800s, and eventually became the founder of the Mormon religion and his prophecies now influence the lives of millions. Jimmy and Dom consider the evidence concerning Smith’s claims to be a prophet.
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Further Resources:
- Wikipedia on Joseph Smith
- Wikipedia on the Standard Works
- Wikipedia on the FAKE “Salamander Letter”
- Robert Ritner’s book “The Joseph Smith Egyptian Papyri: A Complete Edition”
- Michael Rhodes book “The Hor Book of Breathings: A Translation and Commentary” (Brigham Young University Press)
- Fact-based, neutral analysis of the Book of Abraham
- “Joseph Smith—History”
- “Seer Stones”
- Account of the Lost 116 Pages
- Testimony of the Three Witnesses
- Testimony of the Eight Witnesses
- Facsimile 3 from the Book of Abraham
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