Fr. John Bapst, SJ, and the “Know Nothings”

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ACH051: Before he was the first president of Boston College, Jesuit Fr. John Bapst served Catholics as a pastor in Maine. Tom and Noëlle Crowe tell us how Fr. Bapst ran afoul of the anti-Catholic Know Nothings, courageously standing up for his faith and his people to the point of tarring and feathering.
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Links for this episode:
- Father John Bapst and the Know-Nothing Movement in Maine
- Fr. John Bapst Survives Tar & Feathers, Becomes 1st Boston College President – New England Historical Society
- Father John Bapst, S.J.: An Evangelist Among the Know Nothings – Crisis Magazine
- 164 years ago, this Bangor priest was tarred, feathered and ridden on a rail – Bangor Daily News
- Tarred and feathered — the 1854 letter of Father Bapst.
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