TEC013: Tech Addiction and Impossible Whoppers

Some boys are reportedly becoming self-destructively addicted to Fortnite while other kids are tied to texts 24/7. Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Pat Scott talk about the reasons for it and discuss tips to help concerned parents. Plus is Burger King’s Impossible Whopper okay for Lent?

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TEC011: Robo-Docs, Facebook Privacy, and Disney-Fox

Facebook thinks its future is private, secure messaging; Disney completes its acquisition of Fox; and A doctor gives bad news to a patient via robot. Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Fr. Michael Gossett discuss the implications of media consolidation, whether Facebook can be secure; and the importance of the human connection.

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TEC008: Foldable Smartphones and Streaming Apple

Foldable smartphones are arriving. Dom Bettinelli, Joanne Mercier, and Fr. Cory Sticha give their first impressions and talk about where they hope smartphone development goes next. Plus what they hope for in the coming Apple streaming service and how many streaming services is too many.

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TEC007: The End of Google+ and Tech Consolidation

With the end of Google+ right around the corner, Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Fr. Michael Gossett discuss their experiences with this and other non-Facebook/Twitter social media. Then they talk about small consumer tech companies being gobbled up by the Big Five companies.

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TEC005: Robocalls and Technology Censorship

Americans endured over 26 billion robocalls last year. Dom Bettinelli, Fr. Michael Gossett, and Thomas Sanjurjo discuss what should be done at the government, corporate, and individual levels to deal with them. Then they discuss censorship by social media platforms and who gets to decide what is acceptable speech.

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