Email Security

Your email account is the golden ticket for scammers and crooks. Dom Bettinelli, Pat Scott, and Fr. Andrew Kinstetter discuss how to secure your email accounts with tips, hints, best practices, software, and services. Plus TSA facial rec; why we’re all weather-obsessed; and a historic robocall fine.

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Migrating to Linux from Windows and Mac

Tired of walled gardens and ready to give it up for the freedom of open source? Dom Bettinelli, Jack Baruzzini, and Thomas Sanjurjo talk about taking the plunge by giving up Mac or Windows and making Linux your operating system of choice, including tips, instructions, and what to expect.

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Curate Your Social Media for Mental and Spiritual Health

Social media has a big impact on our well-being in the digital age. Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Jack Baruzzini discuss 12 steps to curating our social meda for greater mental and spiritual health. Plus, Steam Decks go to war; private space stations; and open-source UFO hunting.

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Family Tech Day

Are you the go-to person for all things tech in your family? Dom Bettinelli, Thomas Sanjurjo, and Jack Baruzzini have tips for how to make the most out of Family Tech Day, to help you maintain all your family’s gadgets but also teach them best practices to use them safely and efficiently. From laptops to smartphones, they’ll provide you with all the expert advice you need to keep your family’s tech gear up to date and optimized.

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Handheld Retro Gaming

Are you a fan of vintage video games? Well, get ready to take a trip down memory lane because the retro gaming scene is booming, especially when it comes to handheld devices! Dom Bettinelli, Jack Baruzzini, and Victor Lams explore the ins and outs of portable retro gaming. So grab your favorite classic game and join us as we dive into the world of handheld retro gaming and learn how to start your own adventure!

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